Copyright 2010 Passion2Build
Rebecca Dietz
443 326-3816
Yung Trinh
410 336-4218
Passion2Build was created by Yung Trinh and Rebecca Dietz to open opportunities for kids to:
- Envision a community that takes care of the needs of its members and provides opportunities to thrive.
- Engage with their community by designing solutions that bring creative possibilities to challenges.
- Excel and develop their own gifts and abilities by conceiving and carrying out a project to benefit their community.

President, Passion2Build
Trainer – Summer Leadership Camps
Advisor – Teen Corps
Yung leads the Global Practice Enterprise for Next Generation Messaging at Hewlett Packard, where he has worked for over 20 years. He has conducted business in over 50 countries around the world, and leads multinational teams to create and deliver Telecom solutions for HP customers. He had his first experience in leadership as an Eagle Scout growing up in Viet Nam, where he discovered that putting together the energy of youth with scarce resources produced dynamic and inventive solutions to community needs. He helped create, and directed a skill based educational program for over 800 refugees in Galang Refugee Camp in Indonesia prior to graduating from the University of Maryland, where he earned math and computer science degrees. Yung conceived the idea for Passion2Build in order to encourage children to find and use their passion to create a better world.

Program Director, Passion2Build
Trainer – Summer Leadership Camps
Advisor – Teen Corps, KidzPost, EcoKids
Rebecca is currently full time with Passion2Build. She has a masters degrees in Applied Healing Arts, with an emphasis in Creative Leadership, from Tai Sophia Institute and in Social Work from the University of Maryland. She pursued an English major in her undergraduate program at Eastern Mennonite University, where she edited the college newspaper and arts magazine. She is a licensed clinical social worker and has worked in numerous mental health settings, including her own private practice and as a shock trauma and emergency room social worker at the Washington Hospital Center. She also has a part-time business, EarthSpring Retreats, where she works with a team to create retreats that combine the arts with contemplative practice. Rebecca has done some volunteer work and traveled extensively in other countries, experiencing first-hand the reality that we live in the world we create.

Advisor– EcoKids
Barb is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, currently in private practice, with over 25 years experience providing Counseling to children and their families. While living in Istanbul, Turkey, she worked as a Guidance Counselor in the American International Community School as well as a fourth and fifth grade Reading teacher. She has co-led many groups for children on Social Skills, teaching them how to solve problems and gain insight into their own behaviors as well as how to apply newly learned skills in their social environments. Barb is also a master gardener and has a passion to teach children ways to create a sustainable environment. It is her joy and vocation to guide children through the process of discovering themselves, achieve their fullest potential and find ways to use their own unique gifts to energize and contribute to their communities.

Web Designer & Publisher
Cindy is a software engineer with over 20 years of experience in all aspects of software development. She has extensive experience in the design and development of graphical user interfaces and large database systems. In addition, she has experience in the requirements analysis phase where she was responsible for conducting interviews and gathering and defining the requirements for a freight forwarding system for a major international shipping company and an inventory management system for a satellite systems integration company, to name a few. Cindy earned a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Virginia Tech and a master's degree in Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University. She currently works part-time as an independent consultant.